Matching Historic Restoration

A beautiful restoration was done on the 80 year old custom threshold to match the original style and keep the same character of the home. This is a great example of how we stay true to our clients' desires while also ensuring that we preserve their homes for generations to come.

Matching Repairs

The new threshold was designed to match the original style and keep the same character of the home.

Our service of matching original home restoration is a great way to keep your home's character and preserve its history. We worked with this client to repair an 80-year-old custom threshold, which was in need of replacement after years of wear and tear.

alter-text Finished Door Restoration

It was also made with durable materials that are guaranteed not to chip, scratch or fade over time, so it will last for years to come!

Our service of matching original home restoration matches original thresholds and makes them look like they were never replaced.

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